Thought Leadership: What it is + How to Build it

Beth Bagley
March 11, 2024
Thought Leadership: What it is + How to Build it

What is Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership is a way to show your expertise and make a big impact in your industry. Thought leaders share new ideas, guide industry conversations, and inspire others.

This guide explains why you (or your boss) might want to become a thought leader, the benefits of doing so, and how to get started. We also look at how thought leadership and influencers can work together and why this is important for your marketing strategy.

Who Can Become a Thought Leader?

Who can be a thought leader? Anyone with a platform can try, but success isn’t guaranteed. True thought leaders have industry experience and key qualities that give them credibility. Here are some traits that make a great thought leader:


You must truly understand the subject you're talking about. Don’t speak on topics you’re unsure of; it could lead to unhappy customers. Always back up your claims with solid research.


Strong opinions are vital in thought leadership. While feedback is important, you also need to stand by your views to be respected. Having strong opinions can spark new ideas and meaningful discussions. Embrace controversy if it reflects your true beliefs; it can lead to great conversations and innovations.

Industry Experience

Beyond knowledge, you need industry experience. A study found that 68% of people believe the best thought leaders are experts in their field. Experience helps you understand how knowledge is applied. Good thought leaders share insights; great ones empathize with their audience and show them how to act on these insights.

What Are the Benefits of B2B Thought Leadership?

Thought leadership is a growing strategy in B2B content marketing, benefiting both companies and individuals. Influencers are already a big deal in consumer markets and are becoming more important in B2B. The creator economy is worth $250 billion today and could almost double by 2028.

B2B influencers and companies should take advantage of this growth. Once you’ve earned your audience's trust, you can subtly endorse solutions, boosting brand awareness without being pushy.

To do this well, talk about the outcomes of your projects and mention your company casually. This raises brand awareness and recognition without sounding like a sales pitch.

Here are more benefits of adding thought leadership to your marketing strategy:

Increases Awareness

Thought leadership can significantly boost brand awareness. By sharing valuable insights, a thought leader attracts attention from inside and outside the industry, bringing attention to your company.

Establishes Industry Credibility

Regularly contributing meaningful content helps establish you or your organization as a credible authority. This credibility builds trust with potential clients and partners.

Attracts Clients

Clients are drawn to businesses that understand their industry and its challenges. Thought leadership content that addresses these challenges can influence a client's decision-making process.

Improves SEO

Publishing insightful content engages readers and improves SEO. High-quality, original content is favored by search engines, increasing your online visibility and earning organic backlinks. Investing in thought leadership can boost your domain authority and site traffic.

How to Become a Thought Leader

Establish Goals

Why do you want to become a thought leader? Whether to share insights, drive industry change, or elevate your brand, knowing your goals shapes your path. Thought leadership should aim to make a real impact. Your goals might include establishing brand credibility, increasing traffic, generating backlinks, or attracting clients through insightful content.

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. Your audience should match your buyer personas. Tailoring content to their needs and interests makes your thought leadership more relevant and impactful.

Survey the Landscape

Before creating content, look at existing thought leadership in your niche. Understand current conversations, trends, and gaps in the industry. Identify opportunities to offer fresh perspectives or solutions. Reviewing your company's content history can help address past stances and changes.

Create Thought Leadership Content

Start by sharing your expertise. Once you have an audience, ask them what they want to hear through polls or comments. Always learning and reporting back to your audience enriches your content and shows your expertise.

Emphasize Expertise

Your content should highlight your deep knowledge and unique insights. Share research, personal experiences, and forward-thinking ideas that challenge the norm. Be authentic; your content should reflect your true expertise and willingness to share valuable information.

Create a Media Brand

Creating a media brand is a powerful way to share your insights. Consistently publishing high-quality content across multiple channels builds a regular presence. This consistency builds trust and loyalty, making your audience more likely to engage with your content and convert to your brand. Media brands incorporate the use of influencers, thought leadership, and podcasting to build top-of-funnel awareness and brand affinity.

Mediums and Platforms to Utilize

As stated, an omnichannel distribution strategy will provide the strongest results when publishing thought leadership content. 

Here is a list of the  platforms and mediums you should be present on:


As a professional networking site, LinkedIn is the go-to for thought leaders in almost any industry. It's an ideal platform for sharing professional insights, articles, and industry news. LinkedIn allows thought leaders to connect with other professionals, join industry-specific groups, and participate in discussions, enhancing their visibility and credibility.


This platform is great for thought leaders who want to share timely insights, engage in conversations about current events, and connect with both their audience and peers in real-time. Twitter's fast-paced nature makes it ideal for thought leaders looking to establish a voice on the latest trends and discussions within their industry.


For thought leaders who are comfortable with video content, YouTube is a powerful medium. It allows for the sharing of in-depth analyses, tutorials, keynote speeches, and panel discussions. An easy way to get YouTube content is to videotape your podcast. Video content can be more engaging and personal, helping to build a stronger connection with the audience.


Starting or appearing on podcasts can be an effective way for thought leaders to reach audiences who prefer audio content. Podcasts are ideal for in-depth discussions, interviews, and sharing insights on industry trends. They allow thought leaders to connect with their audience in a more intimate way, as listeners often tune in during personal moments, like commuting or exercising.


Having a blog or media brand website is crucial for thought leaders. It serves as a central hub for their content, including articles, videos, podcast episodes, and more.


Email newsletters allow thought leaders to directly reach their audience's inboxes. This medium is excellent for sharing curated content, industry insights, personal updates, and exclusive content. Newsletters can help build a loyal community and keep the audience engaged over time.

Collaborate with Others

Thought leadership thrives on collaboration. Network, attend events, and engage with peers to expand your influence. Collaborate on content with non-competitors to bring diverse perspectives. Guest authoring on reputable platforms can boost your credibility and reach. Listening to others and incorporating their insights can enrich your thought leadership.

Challenges of Being a Thought Leader

Becoming a thought leader has its challenges. It requires constant research and a thick skin to handle criticism. As your audience grows, expect pushback on your ideas. Learn to distinguish between constructive criticism and trolling. Your advice can significantly impact others, so be mindful of your responsibility.

Despite the challenges, the benefits of thought leadership are substantial. It boosts your credibility and opens up opportunities for influence and innovation, outweighing the difficulties. Navigating criticism effectively and leading in your field can significantly impact your personal growth and your organization's success. Thought leadership provides a unique platform to shape industry discussions and drive meaningful change.

It’s Time to Begin Your Thought Leadership Journey

If you’ve been considering positioning yourself or an executive at your company as a thought leader, now is the time to start. Thought leadership is the future of B2B content marketing. Starting a podcast and distributing content through your media brand is a great way to begin.

Don’t have a podcast or media brand? Don’t worry! At Sweet Fish Media, we specialize in building media brands for B2B companies. From developing a brand that resonates with your target audience to providing white-glove podcast production and ensuring top-of-funnel growth, we work hard to grow your business and make your life easier.

Our services include:

  • White-glove podcast production
  • Newsletter creation and distribution
  • Social media management
Don't let another day pass without maximizing your brand's potential. Learn more about why you need to start a media brand.