Sweet Fish Production Design: What We Need From You

For Sweet Fish customers who want to create their own launch designs, please follow the guidelines for the following:
- Podcast Cover Art
- Micro Video (MV) Frames
- Full-Length Video (FLV) Frames
- Headline & Quote Graphics
- LinkedIn Carousels (Slide Decks)
- LinkedIn Banners
Podcast Cover Art

When you send over your podcast's cover art, it should include...
- Show title
- Company logo (optional)
- Exported at 3000 X 3000 pixel PNG
- Adobe Illustrator source files
- Source files packaged as needed (links, fonts in folders)
[READ/LISTEN: How to not design sucky podcast cover art (advice from our Creative Director).]
Micro Video (MV) Frames

The general specifics that we'd like from you:
- Name the source file using this template: <customername>_<podcastname>_MVFTemplate_Final.ai
- Follow the source file's guidelines
- The designer must use Adobe CC 24.1.3 or higher (source file is not compatible to open with CS6 or lower)
- The design can be the resized version of the FLVF (Full Length Video Frame)
- Spell-check before exporting
Now for the MV frames themselves. Here's what we ask of you:
Headline Bar & Headline
- Typeface specific sizes/leading/kerning
- No "emphasized" words in the headline -- all the same
- Keep headline centered vertically
- Headline should be general type size unless noted
- No cover art on headline bar
- Include a progress bar
- 215px X 1080px
Caption Bar & Captions (Subtitles)
- Typeface specific sizes/leading/kerning
- Captions on one text line only
- Bottom bar: 180px X 1080px

Call-to-Action Frame
- Headshot of host w/ masked out background
- Show title
- Derivative design of cover art elements and/or headline & quote graphics
For Exporting
- Dimensions are 1080 X 1080 pixels
- 4 PNGs total: 3 frame options + 1 call-to-action frame
- Adobe Illustrator source files
- Source files are packaged w/ links & fonts in separate folders (no font folder needed for Adobe or Google fonts)
Full-Length Video (FLV) Frames
Please check off the following items:
- Name the source file using this template: <customername>_<podcastname>_FLVFTemplate_Final.ai
- Follow the source file's guidelines
- Use Adobe CC 24.1.3 or higher (source file is not compatible to open with CS6 or lower)
- Can be a resized version of the MVF (Micro Video Frame)
For the FLV frames, we need...
Headline Bar & Headline
- Top bar should be 215px X 1920px
- Typeface specific sizes/leading/kerning
- No "emphasized" words in the headline -- all the same
- Keep headline centered vertically
- Headline should be general type size unless noted
- No cover art on headline bar
Bottom Caption Bar
- 180px X 1920px
- No captions for FLV frames
- Include a progress bar
Call-to-Action Frame
- Headshot of host w/ masked out background
- Show title
- Derivative design of cover art elements and/or headline & quote graphics
For Exporting
- Dimensions are 1920 X 1080 pixels
- 4 PNGs total: 3 frame options + 1 call-to-action
- Source files are packaged w/ links & fonts in separate folders (no font folder needed for Adobe or Google fonts)
Headline & Quote Graphics

When exporting your headline and quote graphics, please check off these items:
- 1200px X 628px
- Source file is named using this template: <customername>_<podcastname>_Headline&Quote_<version#>.ai
- Export for screens at 1x PNG
- Package Adobe Illustrator source file as needed (package links and/or fonts in separate folders)
- Headline that may include bold or italicized words depending on what producers need
In the headline and quote graphics, please include...
- Podcast title
- Episode number
- Placeholder images for guest headshots (if being used)

Rules for Production
- Keep type within the template box (type size can change as long as it still fits)
- No widows or orphans
- Keep the rag clean
- Do not change anything but the type
- No words automatically hyphenated (uncheck the Hyphenate box under paragraph)
- Spell-check before exporting
Exceptions for Instagram
- Resize template to 1200px X 1200px
- Include everything from headline & quote templates
LinkedIn Carousels (Slide Decks)

For LinkedIn carousels, please...
- Use this template to name the source file: <customername>_<podcastname>_LICarouselTemplate_Final.ai
- Copy the file and name it: <customername>_<podcastname>_LICarousel_Episode#_v1.ai
- Use Adobe CC 24.1.3 or higher (source file is not compatible to open with CS6 or lower)
- Follow the source file's guidelines
- Spell-check before exporting
For Exporting
- Dimensions for each page are 1200px X 1200px
- Should be multi-page PDF (4-10 pages)
- Adobe Illustrator source files are packaged w/ links & fonts in separate folders
- File must be saved below 100 MB

All Carousel Pages
For each page of the LinkedIn carousel, please follow these guidelines:
- Not too much copy per page (2-4 sentences)
- No more than 4 typefaces
- Specify sizes/leading/kerning for the headline, subheader, body copy, & emphasized body copy
- Left-aligned copy unless noted
- Left margin should be consistent on each page
- Body text bounding box should be consistent on each page
- Type size should be consistent unless noted
Design Elements
- Background should consist of varied textures, colors, & elements. Please don't change this.
- Foreground: A group of vectors, illustrations, patterns, or elements that can be used interchangeably at designer's discretion per episode. The customer, producer, or copywriter SHOULD art direct these before going to production design. Otherwise, it’s designer's choice. Customer will be approving all of these as well (even if not present on the content for episode 00).
Cover Page
- All rules from All Carousel Pages
- Company logo
- Show title (exact cover art typefaces)
- Guest(s) headshot (masked out background & option for low-res headshot)
- Options for 1-2 guest headshots

Back Cover Page
- All rules from All Carousel Pages
- Company logo
- Show title (exact cover art typefaces)
- No hyperlinks

LinkedIn Banners

When it comes to LinkedIn banners, please adhere to these guidelines:
- File naming convention: <customername>_<podcastname>_LIBanner_v<#>.ai
- Use Adobe CC 24.1.3 or higher (source file is not compatible to open with CS6 or lower)
- Follow source file guidelines
- Spell-check before exporting
For Exporting
- Dimensions depend on the type of LinkedIn page
- Company pages: Business profile picture should be 1128px X 191px; Banner should be 646px X 220px
- Personal pages: Banner should be 1584px X 396px
- Adobe Illustrator source files are packaged w/ links & fonts in separate folders
Have more questions concerning our design guidelines? Feel free to reach out to your Sweet Fish producer. :)