Sales Keynote Speakers: 52 Women to Consider

When our newest B2B Sales Show co-host Lori Richardson was asked to name a handful of female keynote speakers who could headline a sales kickoff, she had a hard time whittling it down to just 52.
Lori, a keynoter in her own right (although not named on her own list), trained on performance and in making an impact through the grad program at Heroic Public Speaking knows a powerful keynote when she hears one. Those listed below are having prolific careers, honing industry knowledge, and creating captivating content.
Who are sales keynote speakers you should consider? Sales keynote speakers to consider include
- Jill Konrath
- Rakhi Voria
- Amy Franko
- Dorie Clark
- Trish Bertuzzi
- Jen Mueller
- Neen James
- Viveka von Rosen
- Falon Fatemi
- Sara Blakely
But the list doesn’t stop there! Not by a long shot.
The following list consists of some of the Women Sales Pros experts who regularly grace the mainstage as well as tech CEOs, subject matter specialists, and sales practitioners. All of these women — without exception — can harness the attention of sellers in the audience and share impactful messages.
Lori — a speaker herself — can help you find the right keynote presenter for your next important revenue or sales kickoff. Contact her here.
52 female keynote speakers you need to consider for your sales kickoff:
Shari Levitin
Company: Shari Levitin Group
Book: Heart and Sell: 10 Universal Truths Every Salesperson Needs to Know
A keynote speaker and author. A sales coach and consultant. A fearless leader of her very own worldwide brand. Shari Levitin is a force to be reckoned with (and that’s putting it modestly).
Shari found that she specializes in two main areas: keynote speaking and helping businesses scale their sales training programs. Her keynote topics span from rehumanizing the sales process to getting out of “Sales Hell.”
Lori says: Shari is talented at expounding upon the human element of sales in light of how technology is changing everything.
Colleen Stanley
Company: SalesLeadership, Inc.
Book: Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success: Connect with Customers and Get Results
Named one of the top seven influential sales figures of the 21st century by SalesForce, Colleen engages audiences around the globe. Because of her expertise in the field of sales, Colleen is able to captivate audiences of any professional level; from reps to execs.
Colleen specializes in delivering keynotes on emotional intelligence in sales and how soft skills produce concrete results. She replaces traditional, hollow messages with a fresh, actionable perspective.
Lori says: Colleen is one of the top-rated speakers in the world because of her substantial messages on EQ in sales.
Andrea Waltz
Company: Courage Crafters, Inc.
Book: Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There
Andrea is known for her fun and transformative message on growing from rejection. She uses thought-provoking anecdotes and relatable stories to help audiences adopt a model of failure, as well as a model of success.
Every keynote Andrea delivers brilliantly combines light-heartedness with real-world applications. She is a master of educating and entertaining audiences nationwide.
Lori says: Andrea delivers a message of resilience; a message people need to hear.
Meridith Elliott Powell
Company: Meridith Elliott Powell
Book: The Best Sales Book Ever/The Best Sales Leadership Book Ever
Sales leaders everywhere flock to Meridith’s keynotes that include the latest methods in increasing sales, developing leaders, and driving bottom-line results. Built on her proven framework, Thrive in Uncertainty, Meredith delivers keys to transforming today’s unpredictable business climate into a competitive leg-up for companies.
Named one of the Top 15 Business Growth Experts to Watch by Currency Fair, Meridith is a business strategist who can enthrall a room with her knowledge and wit.
Lori says: Meridith uses her extensive knowledge and real-world experiences in the fundamentals of sales to get audiences involved in her keynotes.
Jill Konrath
Book: More Sales, Less Time: Surprisingly Simple Strategies for Today’s Crazy-Busy Sellers
Jill is candidly honest and brings unprecedented energy to every stage she graces. As an international keynote speaker, Jill helps audiences of sales pros understand how to differentiate themselves from their peers.
Her keynote topics ranging from productivity in sales to powerhouse strategies of top sellers make Jill a sought-after commodity. Audiences have long adored Jill’s humor and humility when she shares her proven methods for increasing revenue.
Lori says: Jill has developed some of the top sales methodologies in the industry and she always delivers.
Colleen Francis
Company: Engage Selling Solutions
Book: Nonstop Sales Boom: Powerful Strategies to Drive Consistent Growth Year After Year
Colleen has helped audiences from Dreamforce to Outbound break down walls of complacency, inconsistency, and restricted views of sales. Being a sales leader for over 20 years has allowed Colleen to uncover unique insights within the world of sales.
Colleen understands that the sales process has been revolutionized since she’s entered the industry. That’s why she’s determined to motivate sales pros to defy traditional, outdated methods and move into the future with zeal.
Lori says: Colleen masterfully relates to audiences through her engaging stories and personality.
Bernadette McClelland
Company: 3 Red Folders
Book: The Art of Commercial Conversations: Drive Revenue. Increase Margins. Sell a Difference.
With a reputation for driving results in sales, Bernadette shapes her keynote messages to highlight movement and action items. Recognized by Sales Hacker as one of the 35 Most Influential Women in Sales on a global level, Bernadette takes her role as thought leader with vigor.
Bernadette not only has a talent for sales but also a talent for instantly connecting with an audience that causes attendees to relate and self-assess. Her aphorism, “Beyond Resilience,” encourages audiences to find certainty in a world of utter uncertainty.
Lori says: As an Australian sales leader, Bernadette has been getting more involved in U.S. speaking events, for good reason, too. She’s able to fully engage audiences of B2B sales pros.
Alice Heiman
Company: TradeShow Makeover
Book: Sales Hack: With contributions from over 25 of the world’s greatest sales professionals of our time
Alice’s driving force for delivering inspiring keynotes is that she doesn’t want to see salespeople struggle. Her high-energy, highly educational messages revolve around helping sales pros unearth and grow their inherent sales ability.
The topics Alice addresses through her presentations don’t stop at initial sales. Just like her keynote delivery skills, the content Alice offers goes above and beyond any expectations.
Lori says: Alice is gifted in helping other speakers hone their skills and has pointed many a startup in the right direction.
Amy Franko
Company: Impact Instruction
Book: The Modern Seller: Sell More and Increase Your Impact In the New Sales Economy
Named one of LinkedIn’s 2019 Top Sales Voices, Amy delivers on all fronts of her foundational message: “Accelerate sales growth. Develop high-impact leaders.” With over two decades in the B2B space, Amy has acquired a wealth of sales knowledge that she masterfully shares with audiences everywhere.
Amy expounds on topics varying from creating lifetime value in the new sales economy to the power of social capital in sales organizations. Attendees leave Amy’s keynote presentations with items to put into action straight away.
Lori says: As a very talented up-and-coming keynote speaker, Amy can inspire audiences at big-name conferences, such as Inbound.
Caryn Kopp
Company: Kopp Consulting
Book: Biz Dev Done Right: Demystifying the Sales Process and Achieving the Results You Want
Caryn has dedicated her professional life and speaking career to coaching owners and sales pros on optimizing business development. As a real-world practitioner, Caryn has an abundance of fresh insight and has even been dubbed the Chief Door Opener because of her skill in mining opportunities for clients.
A professional high-level prospector, Caryn offers her expertise and precision to audiences across the country. She’s even been featured in Inc., Fortune Magazine, Forbes, and Newsweek.
Lori says: As a veteran keynote speaker, Caryn is skilled in getting the audience involved in educational exercises that stick.
Jamie Crosbie
Company: ProActivate
Book: The Power of 2 — Exponential Sales Leadership
As an expert in sales leadership development, Jamie brings lasting objectives that can be implemented immediately to her keynotes. Spending time as the VP of Sales at Career Builder and now operating her own business, ProActivate, has helped Jamie hone her craft while also allowing her to share insights with others.
In her keynote presentations, Jamie digs deeper than just the surface level. Through her energy and charisma, Jamie encourages audience members to reflect on their own sales experiences and think about implementing the right mindset to drive better results.
Lori says: Jamie speaks to the essentialism of mindset in sales and is able to drive others to act through her stories.
Melinda Emerson
Company: Quintessence Multimedia
Book: Are You Ready to Become Your Own Boss?
Known as the SmallBizLady, Melinda is familiar with hard work and making one’s own way. Although she’s dubbed America’s #1 Small Business Expert, Melinda lives in a big way and brings the same invigorating energy to the stage in her keynotes (many of which are for large corporations).
Melinda’s following reaches across the world to over 3 million entrepreneurs every single week through her expert social media marketing and her #SmallBizChat podcast. When Melinda presents, it’s inevitable that attendees will remember it.
Lori says: Melinda has been featured in every big publication you can think of and has expertly carved out a niche audience of prominent clients.
Julie Hansen
Company: Performance Sales and Training
Book: Act Like a Sales Pro
It could actually be a crime to not feature the author of Sales Presentations for Dummies as a keynote presenter at your sales kickoff. As a professional improv actor, Julie offers one-of-a-kind strategies for winning at sales.
Julie’s keynotes are unique for the fact that she merges sales with improv to demonstrate how important it is to be adaptable in this profession. Attendees will be entertained and educated by Julie’s highly-interactive presentation.
Lori says: Julie is an entertaining keynote presenter who truly practices everything she preaches.
Barbara Weaver Smith
Company: The Whale Hunters
Book: Whale Hunting: How to Land Big Sales and Transform Your Company
Many SMBs dream of landing that one big deal that will launch them into the next level, but Barabara actually teaches businesses how to do it. In her keynote, Barabara articulates how The Whale Hunters Process for landing large accounts works and why it’s been the foundation of her company since 1998.
Barbara’s passion for helping SMBs surpass their goals is apparent in her content and delivery. Her main objective is to provide valuable insights to sales leaders in order for them to gain a competitive edge in their space.
Lori says: If you have an audience of B2B sales leaders looking for big deal advice, there’s no one more qualified to share that knowledge than Barbara.
Deb Calvert
Company: People First Productivity Solutions
Book: Stop Selling and Start Leading: How to Make Extraordinary Sales Happen
The author of one of the highest-rated sales books of its time. A gifted storyteller and engaging presenter. One of the 65 Most Influential Women in Business (Tenfold). Deb has been commanding the stage and the sales game for years.
She vows never to use outdated statistics, ignore others’ experiences, or to orate a canned speech. Deb understands the value in authenticity and portrays that through each of her presentations.
Lori says: Deb has a fantastic way of combining science and stroytelling in her keynote and is the perfect resource for any up-and-coming speaker.
Carole Mahoney
Company: Unbound Growth
The founder of Unbound Growth, Carole speaks to the science behind her sales development methodology in each keynote she delivers. Plus, she’s been featured as a leading sales coach by Sales Hacker and Ambition and has even coached at Harvard Business School.
Carole is an emerging keynote speaker having presented at Inbound on multiple occasions. She’s known to make science-based data come alive with humor and expert insights.
Lori says: At Inbound, Carole had the audience on the edges of their seats with her focus on sales mindset, performance, and the psychology of selling.
Lauren Bailey
Company: Factor 8
Lauren is an up-and-coming keynote presenter, the president of Factor 8 — a sales rep and manager consulting firm — and the founder of #GirlsClub, an initiative to get more women into sales professions. Lauren is what you could call a sales revolutionary.
With years of inside sales experience, Lauren shares her expertise and knowledge candidly and in a relatable way in her presentations. Her mission is to help people become more successful at work and it’s clearly translated through her keynote.
Lori says: Lauren’s truthfulness and humor surprised and delighted me the first time I heard her speak. Her transparency is truly inspiring.
Shawn Karol Sandy
Company: The Selling Agency
Shawn believes that keeping the status quo is only helping your competitors succeed. That’s the reason behind her groundbreaking content and delivery. Shawn’s unique approach to establishing revenue driven solutions for clients led her to found The Selling Agency.
Having experience in a wide array of roles in numerous industries, Shawn brings an insightfulness to her keynote that not many can. She works to ignite the fire in sales and ops teams in order to yield more forward-thinking techniques.
Lori says: A candid storyteller, Shawn is a truly inspiring up-and-coming keynote speaker.
Trish Bertuzzi
Company: The Bridge Group
Book: The Sales Development Playbook: Build Repeatable Pipeline and Accelerate Growth With Inside Sales
Trish has been promoting the community and profession of inside sales for over 20 years and has worked with 400+ B2B tech clients to grow revenue via her agency, The Bridge Group. While she helps sales and marketing pros make big decisions, she’s able to divide the necessary action items into easy-to-understand segments.
Throughout her keynote, it’s apparent to audience members that Trish is passionate about inside sales and helping others understand it with more clarity. Any sales kickoff that lands Trish as a keynote speaker will certainly be lucky to have her name on the bill.
Lori says: As one of my mentors and the original sales expert, Trish has a prolific speaking portfolio built up and is always in high demand.
Anita Nielsen
Company: LDK Advisory Services
Book: Beat the Bots: How Your Humanity Can Future-Proof Your Tech Sales Career
Anita knows there’s no one-size-fits-all sales approach. That’s why she left her corporate job to found LDK Advisory Services which takes into consideration every sales organization’s unique opportunities and challenges.
With her infectious energy and riveting storytelling, Anita has forged her own path to becoming a skilled keynote speaker. She offers specific techniques for organizations to develop their distinctive cultures and use that differentiation to succeed.
Lori says: Anita speaks to the human side of sales and shares absorbing stories along the way that audiences are sure not to forget.
Lisa Leitch
Company: Teneo Results
Sales strategist, speaker, and coach, Lisa lives by the mantra, “Be Strategic. Be Pro-active. Be Brave.” Using practical and relevant tools, Lisa helps sales pros refine their skills, set specific goals, and land sales opportunities they never thought possible.
In addition to motivational, Lisa’s keynote is highly interactive and one that offers applicable sales tactics. She’s dedicated to helping organizations transform their sales culture from the top-down.
Lori says: Lisa uses engaging activities throughout her presentations that help her talking points stick in audience members’ heads.
Jaime Diglio
Company: SomethingNew LLC
Jaime understands it’s critical that teams turn inward before any real change can be made. She encourages this introspection through her presentations because the application of her advice is going to be different for each organization.
Recent topics Jaime has spoken on include having difficult conversations, building diverse teams, how optimism wins deals, and how to thrive under pressure. Jaime also describes how she uses psychometrics to inform hiring decisions in order to build strong, diversified sales teams.
Lori says: Jaime is a sales coach at heart and works with companies to optimize the potential in sales pros, driving success for everyone.
Joanne Black
Company: No More Cold Calling
Book: Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal
Although a veteran keynote speaker, Joanne is always changing up her material to reflect how important referral selling is to the industry. Joanne also backs up her belief that the leading account-based sales strategies merge social intelligence, keen relationship building, and referrals.
Joanne boasts decades of sales experience in a myriad of industries. Her high-energy presentation and actionable content provide attendees with a foundation to question the information they absorb from tech blogs to podcasts.
Lori says: Dubbed “America’s leading authority on referral selling,” Joanne knows exactly how to educate a room of reps all the way up to the C-suite.
Kristie Jones
Company: Sales Acceleration Group
Kristie uses her decades of experience in SaaS sales management to help SMBs boost their revenues. Through her experiences, Kristie is able to share how companies can create cultures of accountability, develop repeatable sales processes, and more.
Based in St. Louis, Kristie is an emerging keynote speaker with an abundance of know-how in the sales arena.
Lori says: Kristie is a vibrant presenter who can teach everyone — from SDRs to executives — how to responsibly grow their businesses.
Cynthia Barnes
Company: Barnes Sales Institute, National Association of Women Sales Professionals (NAWSP)
Cynthia is one of the most recognized revolutionaries in the movement to involve more women in the sales industry. She revels in assisting organizations with building the best environments and training programs for female sales professionals.
As the founder and CEO of NAWSP, Cynthia has avid experience in captivating rooms filled with people. Cynthia is a highly sought after sales leader focused on women-centric training, coaching, and culture-building.
Lori says: Cynthia is a trailblazer for women in sales. She travels the country delivering keynotes on how companies can have better success with hiring women.
Lisa Dennis
Company: Knowledge Associates
Book: Value Propositions That SELL: Turning Your Message Into a Magnet That Attracts Buyers
Lisa is a worthy headliner for any sales kickoff. She takes a holistic approach to marketing and selling to ideal customers and communicates her method in an easy-to-digest manner.
Topics that Lisa specializes in include The Seven Sins of Marketing & Sales, Value Propositions that Hook Customers, and 360 Degrees of the Customer. An international speaker, Lisa engages audiences through her stories and conversational presentation style.
Lori says: Lisa is exceptionally knowledgeable about value props and has a gift for getting audience members to act.
Sara Blakely
Company: SPANX
Book: The Belly Art Project: Moms Supporting Moms
Inventor and self-made billionaire Sara Blakely created her future by making cold-calls to the top retailers in the U.S., eventually becoming one of the best-known brands in the hosiery industry. With her extensive experience and drive, Sara delivers a motivational and informative keynote.
SPANX is the leader in the shapewear revolution and has been featured alongside Sara’s story on everything from The Oprah Winfrey Show, Forbes, E!, People, Vogue, New York Times, and more.
Lori says: Sara’s story is one of inspiration and taking ahold of your future through sales. Before SPANX, Sara was selling fax machines. She literally went from zero to a billion-dollar business.
Lisa Earle McLeod
Company: McLeod & More
Book: Selling with Noble Purpose: How to Drive Revenue and Do Work That Makes You Proud
An incredibly engaging keynote speaker, Lisa has captivated sales giants, franchises, nonprofits, and associations. Her programs are consistently the highest rated among major conference goers.
Lisa expertly expounds upon noble selling and noble leadership to drive competitive differentiation in your organization. She’s presented keynotes to audiences as large as 10,000 with articulation and vigor.
Lori says: Lisa delivers a powerful message about finding your noble purpose in order to drive emotional engagement in your work and life. She’s resonated with audiences around the world.
Rakhi Voria
Company: IBM
Article: Why Women Should Consider Roles in Sales
As a former Microsoft exec and the current IBM director of global digital sales development, you could say Rakhi knows a thing or two about B2B sales. Rakhi is a regular contributor to Forbes and has a deep passion for diversity and inclusivity in the sales world.
A world-renown speaker, Rakhi has the kind of charisma most presenters work their whole lives to achieve. Her intelligence and experience make Rakhi a highly sought after speaker.
Lori says: Rakhi speaks around the world about inclusion, diversity, and how organizations can recruit and retain younger generations of sales pros.
Cate Gutowski
Company: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Former GE exec and current World Wide Head of Sales Development at AWS, Cate brings expertise in multiple disciplines of sales. Cate advocates for proactiveness in leadership roles while she demonstrates it in real-time.
Cate specializes in numerous aspects of sales, but her big five are sales leadership, project management, marketing, commercial operations, and pricing. Her knowledge and charisma make Cate a highly desired keynote presenter.
Lori says: Her busy schedule limits Cate’s availability for speaking events, but if you can land her, your audience will be in awe.
Jen Mueller
Company: Talk Sporty to Me
Book: The Influential Conversationalist: Conversation skills that develop leadership potential
Ever hear an owner of a Super Bowl ring speak? Were they a woman?
Jen Mueller is many things including an NFL sideline reporter. She’s knowledgeable in the communication skills it takes for professionals to succeed in their respective industries.
Jen’s keynote programs vary from conversation skills great leaders develop to 15-second conversation fixes. Your audience will walk away from Jen’s keynote with motivation and the tools to win through conversation.
Lori says: Jen takes a very unique approach to business communication and leadership. Your audience will be blown away by her inspiring demeanor.
Tiffani Bova
Company: Salesforce
Book: Growth IQ: Get Smarter About the Choices that Will Make or Break Your Business
As the growth and innovation evangelist for Salesforce, Tiffani has delivered over 500 keynote presentations on sales transformation and business model innovation. She’s commanded audiences around the world and is considered one of the pioneers of cloud-based sales strategies.
Tiffani has the hands-on expertise that executives everywhere can learn from. With a strong sales and revenue background, Tiffani’s keynote presentations resonate with real-world practitioners.
Lori says: Tiffani is the definition of an innovation evangelist and is always a sought after keynote speaker for sales conferences.
Barbara Corcoran
Company: 888-Barbara
Book: Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 Into a Billion Dollar Business
Besides being a celebrity investor on NBC’s Shark Tank, Barbara speaks on a range of business and sales-related topics to audiences including Entrepreneur Magazine, Harvard Business School, and Business Women’s Forum. Her savviness and engaging personality have helped her achieve extreme success.
Barbara talks to audiences around the world about her rags-to-riches story, leadership in business, behind the scenes of Shark Tank, entrepreneurship, and more. Astonish your conference attendees by booking one of the top real estate moguls in the world.
Lori says: Barbara is inspiring to female and male sales professionals everywhere. Everyone can learn something from her extraordinary resourcefulness.
Connie Podesta
Company: Connie Podesta Presents
Book: The Insider’s Guide to Being #1 in the Workplace
In today’s constantly changing world, it’s hard to stay motivated to learn new processes and procedures. That’s the paradox Connie helps sales professionals overcome. She is a unique keynote presenter in that she humorously demonstrates how professionals can tackle the toughest of challenges.
Connie’s ability to empathize with audience members of all professional levels makes her keynotes especially engaging and memorable. She’s shown that she can command a room while still appearing totally down-to-earth.
Lori says: Connie is an excellent keynote speaker and content curator. Her business experience makes her the perfect fit for almost any event.
Jennifer Gluckow Gitomer
Company: Sales in a New York Minute
Book: Sales in a New York Minute
Jennifer holds real-world expertise in the areas organizations struggle with the most: sales, social media, customer satisfaction, networking, personal development, and attitude. Audience members walk away from Jennifer’s keynote presentations with new perspectives on what it means to be in sales.
Jennifer’s wit and humor make it impossible for attendees to forget what they’ve learned with her. Her success in sales and life make her a superior motivational and informational speaker.
Lori says: As a strong and effective speaker, Jennifer has honed her craft of communicating with rooms full of sales pros. Her messages are always personal and customized for the audience.
Neen James
Company: Neen James Inc
Book: Attention Pays: How to Drive Profitability, Productivity, and Accountability
Named one of the Top 30 Leadership Speakers by Global Guru several years in a row, Neen expounds on topics such as focusing attention, saving time, and showcasing revolutionary ideas. Neen brings thought-provoking ideas from her time studying leaders and their habits.
Audience members attend Neen’s keynotes to gain practical strategies to implement immediately. Her energy and bubbly personality make her concrete tactics that much more memorable.
Lori says: Neen delivers an engaging message on focus and differentiation: Two things any professional could use advice on.
Joy Baldridge
Company: Baldridge Seminars International
Book: The Joy in Business: Innovative Ideas to Find Positivity (& Profit) in Your Daily Work Life
Positive change, team engagement, communication, sales, and leadership are just a handful of subjects Joy is an expert in. Joy’s first speaking engagement was at the age of 19 at the White House, so presentation experience is of no concern.
Joy’s keynote presentations are known around the globe to energize, inspire, and cultivate real action in the workplace and in life. As a certified speaking professional, Joy brings extensive knowledge and engagement to the table.
Lori says: Every time I’ve seen Joy speak she’s been funny and engaging. She’s known to offer interactive materials to connect with audience members more holistically.
Liz Cain
Company: OpenView
As a partner at a venture capital firm, Liz speaks to the importance of women entering fields traditionally male-dominated. Her background being in sales operations, Liz has expertise and passion for strategic problem-solving.
Liz has been a regular contributor to the speaking circuit and has made quite the name for herself in the VC community. Through her energy, wit, and drive, Liz inspires and informs sales pros of all levels and skillsets.
Lori says: I’ve seen Liz speak at numerous sales events and have been impressed each time.
Charlene DeCesare
Company: Charlene Ignites
Book: The Email Cemetery: Where Bad Emails Go to Die… and How to Resuscitate
Charlene “Ignites” DeCesare roots all of her keynote presentations in 20 years of growing multi-million dollar businesses. While Charlene embodies the category of female sales speaker, she brings more energy and insight than most (men or women).
With her highly credible professional background, Charlene informs and inspires audiences of all sizes. Her keynote topics range from igniting sales success to identifying and reaching your target market.
Lori says: Charlene uses her vast background in sales to generate keynotes and content that salespeople love to take in. Her presentations are always memorable.
Krista Moore
Company: KCoaching, Inc
Book: Race to Amazing: Your Fastrack to Sales Leadership
Through two decades of sales leadership, Krista has gained unparalleled insight and practical action items for sales pros to use in the real world. Depending on your audience’s specific focus, Krista can create a customized keynote presentation detailing any facet of sales.
Krista has captivated audiences around the globe, regularly speaking in the U.S., U.K., Australia, and Canada. She inspires audience members not only in a professional sense but in a personal sense as well.
Lori says: I’ve heard Krista give numerous talks over the years and know that she’s a truly gifted and effective sales coach.
Amy Appleyard
Company: VMware
Want to hear from a sales leader familiar with high-pressure, fast-pace work environments? Look no further than Amy Appleyard. Amy has a myriad of experience in overseeing cross-functional sales teams and driving them to success.
In Amy’s keynote, you’ll learn strategic methods of sales management, forecasting, sales program development, and more. Leaders everywhere walk away from Amy’s presentation with new insight into the sales game.
Lori says: Amy has spoken about a number of sales-related topics at events such as Sales Hacker. She’s able to share insightful ideas from a sales leader’s point of view.
Jen Spencer
Company: SmartBug Media
Jen delivers on the best of both worlds: sales and marketing. Her specialties include generating leads through inbound, engaging big-time accounts, sales enablement, and building brand loyalty.
During her keynote presentations, audience members see that Jen subscribes to the notion that we’re all in this together. Through effective communication, Jen knows ground-breaking partnerships can be made.
Lori says: Jen is one of the most engaging speakers I’ve ever had the pleasure to listen to. Your audience won’t forget her.
Kathryn Rose
Company: wiseHer
Book: Return on Relationship
Kathryn has an outstanding passion for supporting women in executive-level and sales positions. In her keynotes, Kathryn expounds upon how we can all drive diversity and inclusion in sales and beyond.
Besides leading wiseHer (a tech platform providing on-demand expert advice to women in business), Kathryn keeps busy speaking to organizations like Google, IBM, and Dell. Her content and keynote presentations have made Kathryn a highly sought after keynote for sales events across all continents.
Lori says: Kathryn is able to speak to corporate issues due to her experience as a sales executive. Her keynotes are always relatable and informative.
Viveka von Rosen
Company: Vengreso
Book: LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day
Internationally, Viveka is known as “the LinkedIn expert.” She’s seen the success that LinkedIn networking is capable of and shares her insights with executives, entrepreneurs, corporations, legal firms, owners, and more.
Being the host of the biggest LinkedIn chat on Twitter (#LinkedInChat), Viveka knows how to leverage all major social platforms in order to supplement more sales. Her energy and vigor for life make Viv a can’t-miss keynote at any sales kickoff.
Lori says: Viveka is wildly knowledgeable in social selling and brand-building through social media. She loves helping others through her keynotes and speaking on industry podcasts.
Jennifer Darling
Company: Jennifer Darling
With a background in sales at Comcast and Heart Television, Jennifer understands what sales pros need to know to drive real success at their organizations. Jennifer has worked with thousands of businesses to improve their sales processes and use LinkedIn to increase qualified leads.
As a member of the National Speakers Association, Jennifer has the skills and experience to direct any size of room. Your audience will gain practical insights and the motivation to implement them as soon as they walk away from Jennifer’s keynote.
Lori says: If you’re searching for an engaging speaker who focuses on sales and LinkedIn marketing, look no further than Jennifer!
Lynne Zaledonis
Company: Salesforce
You could say Lynne is a cloud and CRM sales aficionado. At Salesforce, Lynne is the leader of the sales cloud product marketing team and often shares her experiences via keynote presentations.
Lynne is motivated by innovation and customer success and advocates for women in the tech space. Lynne helps sales pros everywhere hone their value props and offer next-to-none customer experiences.
Lori says: Seeing Lynne speak multiple times, I can confidently say she is proficient in communicating her knowledge of the cloud and tech relating to sales and product.
Falon Fatemi
Falon Fatemi’s middle name might as well be “Inspiring.” This Silicon Valley vet has seen it all and uses her industry experience to propel herself and other women forward. At 19 she was the youngest employee at Google and since then has taken the tech space by storm, even founding her own company,
By spending over a decade focusing on go-to-market strategy, global expansion, and strategic partnerships, Falon has earned the credibility to offer her wisdom to other software sales pros.
Lori says: Falon’s keynote leaves attendees with newfound insight into AI and business growth. Everything Falon does is revolutionary for tech.
Kim Peterson
Company: Uniquely Savvy, Inc
Kim knows the way we look and feel impacts our self-confidence big time. That’s why she’s dedicated her career to helping professionals of all backgrounds, interests, shapes, and sizes look, feel, and perform better.
As a member of the Association of Image Consultants International and someone who’s experienced low self-esteem, Kim delivers an empowering and informative message to rooms of any size. Kim has given keynotes for associations, nonprofits, corporations, and private audiences detailing how our image as a whole helps us be more effective sellers.
Lori says: Kim has traveled around the world speaking to sales pros about personal branding on and offline.
Judy Buchholz
Company: IBM
Judy speaks to large audiences about her expert understanding of business transformation, strategic planning, and relationship-building. She knows the value of strong communication skills and demonstrates them throughout all of her keynote presentations.
As the leader of all global sales strategies and solutions for IBM, Judy is able to share important lessons with sales pros everywhere. Plus, Judy offers apt insight into what IBM is developing and implementing.
Lori says: A veteran keynote speaker, Judy knows her stuff and brings ground-breaking wisdom to every event.
Dorie Clark
Company: Dorie Clark
Book: Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future
As one of the Top 50 Business Thinkers in the world (Thinkers50), Dorie has quite literally earned the title of branding expert. Dorie is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, an accomplished author, and an outstanding keynote presenter.
Your audience can expect to learn about building a personal brand, standing out in a saturated market, thinking entrepreneurially within an organization, and more. Her topics, energy, and humor have made Dorie a star on the sales speaking circuit.
Lori says: Dorie has a unique gift for tying in fellow speakers’ main points into her keynotes. I’ve never seen a speaker strive to be so relevant before I saw Dorie speak.
Nancy Nardin
Company: Smart Selling Tools, Inc
Recognized in Forbes as one of the Top 30 Social Sales Influencers in the World, Nancy has been an integral part of the sales enablement community for some time now. Her sales technology website,, provides free resources to sellers on the latest sales tech.
Nancy is dedicated to spreading knowledge of the newest processes and tech in the sales space to audiences everywhere. Her keynotes explore topics such as prospect engagement, account planning, and prospect intelligence.
Lori says: Having a plethora of insight into sales tech tools, Nancy helps audience members stay on the leading edge of the industry.
Gretchen Gordon
Company: Braveheart Sales Performance
Due to her experience in a wide array of industries, Gretchen is able to speak to numerous different sales situations and challenges. Her specialties include transforming underperforming sales teams into overachievers and bringing in more sales at higher profits.
With her ROI-focused mentality, Gretchen easily relates to sales execs and teams. She also has the ability to form keynote presentations to the subject your audience will most likely resonate with.
Lori says: Gretchen has a drive and passion for sales enablement that’s unparalleled. Any sales kickoff should be proud to book her as a keynote.
Your sales kickoff is a critical event that can motivate and inspire your sales team, but also equip them with tangible training that can take them to the next level.
You won’t go wrong by bringing in any of the 52 women listed above to your next sales kickoff.
For more B2B sales insights (and to hear interviews with some of these very women!), subscribe to The B2B Sales Show wherever you listen to podcasts.