Unlocking the Power of B2B Video

Beth Bagley
May 30, 2024
Unlocking the Power of B2B Video

B2B video content has become a vital tool for engaging audiences and driving conversions. By crafting compelling narratives through video, B2B companies can resonate more deeply with potential customers, fostering trust and brand loyalty. This article explores the importance of video in B2B marketing, various types of video content, and innovative ways to utilize video to achieve maximum impact.

Why Video?

Video content significantly enhances engagement compared to traditional content forms. It captures attention more effectively by combining visual and auditory elements, making it easier for viewers to absorb and retain information. Videos can also extend the time visitors spend on a webpage, which leads to better brand recall and a deeper connection with the audience.

Improved Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics, such as click-through rates and social shares, are often higher for video content. According to recent studies, videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than text and image content combined. This increased engagement not only boosts your content's visibility but also helps build a loyal audience. By regularly producing high-quality video content, B2B companies can keep their audience engaged and interested in their brand.

Conversion Benefits

Including videos on landing pages can dramatically increase conversion rates. Product videos, for instance, allow potential customers to see products in action, providing the visual proof needed to alleviate doubts and drive purchase decisions. This visual element makes videos a critical component of any effective B2B marketing strategy.

Videos have a unique ability to convey complex information quickly and clearly, which can help move prospects through the sales funnel more efficiently. For example, a well-crafted explainer video can increase the understanding of your product or service by 74%, leading to a higher likelihood of conversion. Moreover, videos can evoke emotions and create a sense of urgency, encouraging viewers to take immediate action, whether it's signing up for a webinar, downloading a whitepaper, or making a purchase.

SEO Advantages

From an SEO perspective, video content offers several benefits. Search engines favor content that engages users, and videos excel at holding viewers' attention. This increased engagement can improve search rankings, making your content more visible to potential customers. Additionally, videos are often shared more frequently than other content types, further boosting your brand's reach and visibility.

Embedding videos on your website can also enhance your SEO efforts. Websites with video content are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results. Videos can reduce bounce rates and generate high-quality backlinks—both factors that contribute to better search engine rankings. Furthermore, optimizing your video titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords can improve discoverability and drive more organic traffic to your site.

The 9 Types of B2B Videos

When discussing B2B video marketing or video marketing in general, various types of videos can be utilized. We explore nine different types of marketing videos, each tailored to specific user actions, promotional goals, and methods of promotion. While there might be some overlap in the distribution channels used, understanding the nuances of these video types is crucial when it comes to creating a strong content marketing strategy.

1. Product Videos

Product videos effectively highlight features and benefits, offering a visual demonstration that text descriptions cannot match. By showcasing products in action, these videos provide potential buyers with the confidence they need to make purchase decisions, significantly boosting conversion rates.

  • Distribution channels: Website, landing pages, social media platforms (LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook), email campaigns.
  • Preferred user action: To understand the product’s features and benefits and to see the product in action.
  • What’s being promoted: Product features, use cases, and benefits.

2. Video Blogs

Video blogs, or vlogs, bring a personal touch to your brand, allowing you to connect with your audience on a deeper level. They can humanize your brand, making it more relatable and trustworthy. To create engaging vlogs, focus on storytelling, keep the content concise, and maintain a conversational tone. High-quality production values, including clear audio and good lighting, are essential.

  • Distribution channels: Company blog, YouTube, social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook), email newsletters.
  • Preferred user action: To connect with the brand on a personal level and gain insights into the company culture and industry perspectives.
  • What is being promoted: Brand personality, company culture, industry expertise.

3. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos simplify complex business concepts, making them easier for viewers to understand. They are particularly useful for introducing new products or services. Use animation, clear visuals, and concise explanations to make explainer videos more engaging, ensuring the content remains focused and avoids overwhelming the viewer.

  • Distribution channels: Website, landing pages, YouTube, social media platforms, email campaigns.
  • Preferred user action: To understand complex concepts quickly and easily.
  • What is being promoted: New products or services, key features, and benefits.

4. Tutorial Videos

Tutorial videos educate customers on how to use your products or services effectively, serving as valuable resources that enhance the customer experience. By providing helpful and informative tutorials, you build trust and credibility with your audience, positioning your brand as a valuable resource.

  • Distribution channels: Company website, YouTube, customer support portals, email newsletters.
  • Preferred user action: To learn how to use products or services effectively and troubleshoot common issues.
  • What is being promoted: Product functionality, best practices, tips and tricks.

5. Video Interviews

The power of B2B video interviews cannot be understated. Interviews with industry experts provide valuable insights and thought leadership, helping to position your brand as an authority in your field. Featuring respected voices in your industry enhances your brand's credibility, and well-prepared interviews focusing on relevant topics ensure maximum impact.

  • Distribution channels: Company website, YouTube, social media platforms, podcasts.
  • Preferred user action: To gain insights and knowledge from industry experts.
  • What is being promoted: Thought leadership, industry trends, expert opinions.

6. Influencer Marketing Videos

Partnering with influencers in your industry can expand your reach and lend credibility to your brand. Influencers can amplify your message and connect with a broader audience. For successful collaborations, choose influencers whose audience aligns with your target market and develop clear campaign goals.

  • Distribution channels: Influencer’s social media platforms, company website, YouTube, collaborative posts.
  • Preferred user action: To discover and trust new brands through influencers they follow.
  • What is being promoted: Brand awareness, product features, endorsements.

7. Event Coverage

Both live and recorded event coverage engage your audience by showcasing your brand's involvement in industry events and highlighting key moments. Event videos can help build and engage your community, creating a sense of urgency and excitement through live videos and offering valuable content for future use through recorded videos.

  • Distribution channels: Social media platforms, company website, YouTube, and event pages.
  • Preferred user action: To stay updated on industry events and your brand’s involvement.
  • What is being promoted: Brand presence at events, key insights, and highlights, networking opportunities.

8. Testimonials and Case Studies

Testimonials and case studies provide social proof of your product's effectiveness, building trust and convincing potential customers to make a purchase. Focus on telling compelling customer stories that highlight the benefits of your product, using real-life examples to make the content relatable and convincing.

  • Distribution channels: Website, landing pages, social media platforms, email campaigns.
  • Preferred user action: To see real-world success stories and validate purchase decisions.
  • What is being promoted: Customer satisfaction, product effectiveness, real-life applications.

9. Social Videos

Tailor your video content for different social media platforms, as each has its own best practices and audience preferences. To maximize engagement, create short, attention-grabbing videos optimized for mobile viewing, using captions and eye-catching visuals to capture viewers' attention quickly.

  • Distribution channels: Social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).
  • Preferred user action: To engage with quick, informative, and entertaining content on their preferred platforms.
  • What is being promoted: Brand messaging, product highlights, industry insights.

Get Clever With Your Videos

The most memorable marketing is often done by brands that aren't afraid to take risks and get clever with their content. To make a lasting impression, you need to do and say something true to your brand and authentic to your audience. Creativity and innovation in video marketing can set your brand apart in a crowded market, capturing attention and fostering a deeper connection with your viewers.

Media Brands Break The Traditional B2B Mold

Video and content marketing, in general, will only take you so far. It needs to be housed under a brand that users feel they can trust and relate to. Corporate messaging has grown stale, and users can smell a sales pitch from a mile away. For maximum impact, you need to create a distinct media brand that houses your top-of-funnel content marketing. The main goal of this is to build thought leadership and trust with your audience. When they are ready, they’ll convert to customers because they are already fans of your brand.

A media brand is a content-driven entity separate from your corporate brand, focused on delivering valuable and insightful content rather than overtly selling products or services. It provides content that educates, informs, and entertains your target audience. By doing so, you build a loyal audience that trusts your brand and looks to it for valuable insights and solutions.

Less Effort Required For More Video

Media brands are structured in a way that allows you to repurpose video clips on social media from podcast endeavors. Repurposing podcast video creates a streamlined content creation process because assets are strategically repurposed across platforms, making for an omnichannel distribution process that minimizes lift and maximizes reach.


Incorporating video into your B2B marketing strategy is a powerful way to engage your audience, build trust, and drive conversions. However, the true magic happens when these videos are part of a well-crafted media brand. At Sweet Fish Media, we specialize in building media brands that break the traditional B2B mold, creating a distinct and trusted presence that resonates with your audience.

As a full-service media brand agency, we do all the heavy lifting. From providing briefs and equipment to scheduling guests for your podcast, to editing and repurposing content across various platforms, we handle every aspect of the content creation process. This allows our B2B marketing partners to sit back, enjoy the creative journey, and watch the results roll in.

Ready to elevate your marketing strategy and see real, measurable results? Learn more about media brands.
