Complete Guide for B2B Video Marketing in 2024

Beth Bagley
June 17, 2024
Complete Guide for B2B Video Marketing in 2024

Have you ever tried explaining a complicated or detailed problem over email and thought: “I wish we could have this conversation face-to-face.” You may have that same frustration when communicating the most important details of your products or brand with your target audience.

Let’s be honest—it’s not super realistic to speak one-on-one with every potential customer. But the next best thing is B2B video marketing!

Marketing looks pretty different from what it was even five years ago, and business-to-business interactions are no exception. Customers want more personalized and accessible information than ever before. In fact, even though video marketing is a more recent option for marketers, it’s become a cornerstone strategy for companies aiming to boost their engagement and communication in innovative ways. 

As we move through 2024, leveraging B2B video marketing becomes a key part of introducing complex products and services to your target audience. 

What Is B2B Video Marketing?

Before we can dive into some reasons for investing and tips for integrating video marketing, we have to understand what it is. B2B video marketing is a strategy that includes creating and sharing video content to sell products or services to other businesses. The video should demonstrate how your company can address the specific needs and challenges of businesses. 

Although it may not be the best choice in every situation, video content is particularly effective in the B2B realm because it can succinctly present complex information. This format tends to be more engaging than traditional text-based content. Rather than trudging through a lengthy product guide, your audience can see the practical applications and benefits of your offerings right in front of them. 

Businesses and consumers alike are constantly bombarded with information since so much is available online, and videos can help your brand stand out by delivering impactful content in a memorable way. 

Of course, effective B2B video marketing takes more than just creating content—it requires you to distribute the videos across different platforms where potential clients can engage with them. This could be on social media like LinkedIn or on your company website. Either way, the goal is to place B2B brands directly in the path of decision-makers (ideally when they are most receptive to discovering new solutions). 

Using video content allows marketers to engage with potential clients on a deeper level and help them gain a better understanding of the products and services that can solve their pain-points. 

Why Should I Invest in B2B Video Marketing?

Depending on where you heard about B2B video marketing, it may feel like just another trend that won’t offer the real results you’re looking for. However, this marketing tactic is a strategic decision that can improve your company’s visibility and engagement—which often means higher conversion rates. Here are just a few compelling reasons to add video into your marketing strategy. 

Increased Engagement and Retention

Videos have the unique ability to capture and hold the viewer’s attention longer than text-based content. That’s why so many of us get caught scrolling TikTok videos for hours. This increase in focus is especially important in the B2B sector, where decision-making processes often require the audience to process dense information. 

Videos can simplify these messages and make them more engaging—which also means more memorable. Research shows that people retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to only 10% when reading it in text. Brands looking to educate their audience on their products and services should be using the method that will offer the most clarity, and videos often fit the bill. 

Boosts Conversion Rates and Strengthen Marketing Campaigns

In addition to being more engaging than other forms of content, videos are more likely to drive action. Including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by over 80%. Marketers who use video can even grow revenue faster than non-video users. 

Video marketing can also revamp traditional B2B marketing tactics, including email campaigns. According to Start Motion Media, including the word “video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%. When cultivating ongoing relationships through things like email, boosting engagement with videos can make a huge difference. 

Appeals to Mobile Users

The rise of mobile browsing means that B2B buyers are frequently accessing content via their smartphones and tablets. Video content is more compatible with mobile devices than lengthy text-heavy content, so it’s just a matter of time before more businesses prioritize video marketing. Since mobile video consumption continues to increase every year, B2B marketers have a prime opportunity to reach their audience by leveraging this content type. 

Ultimately, investing in B2B video marketing aligns with current content consumption trends and provides tangible benefits. From higher conversion rates to stronger customer relationships, this is one investment that pays dividends. 

How to Create a B2B Video Marketing Strategy

Once you’ve decided to take the leap and add video content to your B2B marketing plan, you’ll want to follow these steps. They can help you make content that not only reaches the target audience but also converts them. 

1. Layout Clear Goals

Before you start creating videos, you need to know what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness or generate leads? Do you want to educate customers about your products or help them navigate the set-up process? Setting clear, measurable goals will guide your content creation and help you determine what success looks like for your efforts. 

A key part of setting clear goals is understanding the audience. Who are your videos for? Knowing this will help you craft messages that resonate with them. Consider what challenges they face and how your services provide solutions. This can even influence which platforms you use to distribute your marketing messages. 

To monitor the progress of your video marketing campaigns, establish benchmarks and milestones upfront. These could include target numbers for video views or lead generation. Regularly check these metrics to gauge what’s working and what isn’t—and then make the necessary adjustments. 

2. Set a Budget

Actually producing the videos can vary in cost depending on how complex they are, as well as the quality of the production. Decide how much you can afford to spend and then allocate your budget accordingly. Be sure to account for production, promotion, and distribution.

The next thing to determine is whether you’ll produce videos in-house or outsource to professionals. In-house production is typically more cost-effective, but professional production can offer higher quality. If your budget allows, professional videos often provide a better ROI due to their polished appearance. 

3. Choose What Kind of Videos You Want to Make

Based on your goals and audience, certain types of videos will be more effective than others. Some popular formats in B2B video marketing include explainer videos, product demos, customer testimonials, and thought leadership interviews. Each type serves a different purpose, from educating buyers to building trust and authority. 

The nature of your industry and the resources available can also influence the types of videos you choose to produce. For instance, a software company might benefit more from screen recordings and animated explainers, while a manufacturing firm might use factory tours and product demonstrations. 

Remember that the video format and style should also match your brand’s personality and message. 

4. Decide Where You Want to Post Them

The platforms where you post your videos should match where your target audience spends most of their time. For B2B marketers, LinkedIn is often a popular choice due to its professional focus. However, don’t overlook other social media platforms like YouTube, which is excellent for SEO and longer-form content. 

To maximize the reach and impact of your videos, consider a multi-channel approach. Include the content on your company website, in email campaigns, and across different social media platforms. This means that no matter where your audience interacts with your brand, they have an opportunity to engage with the video content. 

5. Create and Post Your Video

Although the authenticity of the content is crucial, don’t ignore how production quality impacts how the message is perceived. High-quality visuals and clear audio can make a professional impression that boosts your brand’s credibility. 

Depending on the complexity of the video and the skills available in-house, it might be beneficial to hire professional videographers. They can help refine your video to make sure it communicates your message effectively and looks polished. Once you have created the video, you can optimize it for different platforms, adjusting the length, format, and captioning to meet platform guidelines (and user expectations). 

6. Measure and Monitor Success

Like any other marketing tool, video content is not something that you can create and then forget about. Instead, set key performance indicators (KPIs) that reflect your initial goals. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness or driving website traffic, your KPIs could include a variety of metrics like view count, share, comments, and even lead generation rates. 

Consider using platform-specific analytics tools to track the performance of your videos. Tools like Google Analytics, YouTube Analytics, and social media insights can provide valuable data on how your videos are performing and who is watching them.

Use the insights gained from your analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Be prepared to tweak your strategy, from trying different video formats and adjusting the call to action to changing the platforms on which the videos are posted.

Another thing to keep in mind is that direct feedback from your audience can provide deeper insights than analytics alone. Consider soliciting feedback through follow-up emails or social media polls to gather additional perspectives on your video content.

Common B2B Marketing Videos to Create

Not all videos serve the same purpose, and creating the right type of content can determine how engaged your audience is. Here are some of the most common—and impactful—types of videos that B2B companies should consider in their video marketing strategies. 

Case Studies

Case study videos are powerful because they showcase real-life examples of how your product or service has helped other businesses succeed. These videos can be incredibly persuasive, as they demonstrate the tangible benefits of your offerings through the experiences of your customers.

Featuring your clients and their success stories is a great way to highlight your product’s effectiveness. It also helps build credibility and trust with potential clients. These testimonials serve as a kind of proof that your solutions deliver real results. 

When creating case study videos, focus on storytelling. Start with the problem, detail the implementation process, and celebrate the results. Ensure the client's voice is prominent, making the narrative personal and relatable.

Explainer Videos

This type of video is essential for simplifying those complex products or services so that clients know what they are getting. Explainer videos use clear and concise language along with engaging visuals to break down how things work in an easily digestible format.

These videos are great for engaging prospects who are at the top of the sales funnel and need to understand the basic value proposition of your business. An effective explainer video not only educates but also entertains, keeping the viewer interested throughout.

That means they should be short and focused, using animations or graphics to illustrate points. Remember that the goal is to make complicated ideas more accessible and memorable.


Testimonial videos feature satisfied customers explaining how your product or service has benefited their business. These are particularly effective because they come directly from the user, adding an extra layer of trust and authenticity.

Seeing real people endorse your product can make your company more relatable and trustworthy. Prospective customers see themselves in the testimonial, imagining the potential benefits for their own situations.

For testimonial videos, choose customers who represent your ideal user. You want to ensure their story is relevant to the audience you want to attract. Keep the video concise and focused on specific benefits. 

Brand/Product Videos

Brand videos are your chance to showcase your business's personality and core values. This is the time to show what your brand is and what they stand for. These videos help build a brand image that resonates emotionally with potential clients.

Product videos go a step further by demonstrating how your products work. They allow potential customers to see your products in action, demonstrating their features and benefits in real-world scenarios. 

Don’t be afraid to get creative and try to evoke emotions. Use storytelling to make your brand feel more human and approachable. 

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership videos allow you to share insights, industry news, or innovations, positioning your company as an expert in your field. These often come in the form of interviews, discussions, podcast videos, or presentations from thought leaders within your organization. 

This type of B2B marketing video appeals particularly to professionals interested in staying ahead of industry trends or solving complex industry challenges. They help build respect and credibility among your peers and potential customers.

Focus on content that provides value, such as tips or tutorials. Avoid overtly selling your product; instead, aim to contribute knowledge and insights to your industry.

Each of these video types serves a unique purpose in your B2B video marketing strategy, helping to engage, educate, and convert potential customers at different stages of the buyer's journey. By implementing the right mix of these videos, you can improve your marketing effectiveness and build a stronger, more relatable brand.

Creating Your Media Brand With Sweet Fish

As consumer and professional preferences continue to evolve, video content becomes an essential strategy for any forward-thinking business. It enhances engagement, improves information retention, and significantly boosts conversion rates. While we can give B2B video marketing the roses it deserves, the success of this medium hinges on logistics and execution. 

For businesses seeking to leverage video marketing to its fullest potential, partnering with an experienced content creation agency like Sweet Fish Media makes all the difference. We specialize in building media brands and producing high-quality, integrated multimedia content, ensuring distribution is planned from the get-go to maximize reach and impact. 

Unlock the power of B2B video marketing and SO much more. Learn more about building your media brand with Sweet Fish.