Blog vs Podcast: Which is Best for Your Company?

Beth Bagley
February 15, 2024
Blog vs Podcast: Which is Best for Your Company?

Deciding whether a blog or a podcast is the right fit for your company is more than just a choice of medium; it's about matching your message with your audience's preferences.

Do you see your brand thriving through engaging, written content that boosts SEO and draws readers to your website? Or does the idea of connecting with your audience through the personal format of a podcast, where your voice reaches their ears, sound more appealing? Should you include both in your content strategy? 

Understanding the unique strengths and audience appeal of each platform can be the key to unlocking your company's full potential in the digital space.

Blog vs Podcast: What is the Difference?

A blog is a website or part of a website that contains written articles or posts on various topics. A podcast is a series of audio or video episodes focused on various subjects that people can listen to or watch.

Both blogs and podcasts are excellent top-of-funnel marketing tools that nurture customer relationships, deepen brand loyalty, and highlight authority. 

They're accessible online, cover diverse topics, offer subscription options, integrate multimedia, engage communities, require regular updates, and present marketing opportunities. However, their differences lie in format, production time and costs, and how you monetize your content- should you choose to do so. 

Format, Experience, and Medium

Blogs are written and visual, making them ideal for detailed analysis, tutorials, and SEO optimization. They're consumed on various devices and are sought after for solving specific problems. 

Podcasts are audio-based, perfect for storytelling, interviews, and brand engagement, often consumed during commutes or while multitasking, with a growing audience of users who prefer to watch podcasts on platforms like YouTube.

Production Time and Costs

Blogs require time for writing, editing, and SEO, while podcasts need recording, audio editing, and sometimes transcribing. Starting a blog can be low-cost, needing only a domain and hosting. 

Podcasts often require a larger initial investment in equipment and editing software but can end up being a faster process if you don’t need to make many edits and have your pre-production processes, such as writing your podcast outline, mastered. 

Research Needed for the Content

Both mediums will require research and preparation before the content can be created. For blogs, you will need to perform SEO research and know enough about your topic to create a unique piece of content. 

For a podcast, you will need to thoroughly research your guest or topic to prepare engaging questions and discussion points, ensuring valuable content for listeners.

Monetization Strategies

Both blogs and podcasts offer multiple monetization opportunities, and while we all love generating a little extra cash, if your reason for starting a blog or podcast is to attract B2B leads, a lot of ads may turn away visitors or listenership, in turn, decreasing your long term company sales to make a quick buck on advertising.

With that being said, blogs can generate revenue through advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and selling digital or physical products. Podcasts can also explore sponsorship deals, affiliate marketing, premium content offerings, and listener donations to support their growth and sustainability.

If you do end up taking sponsorships, try keeping them relevant and useful to your target audience. And on blogs, avoid pop-up ad placements as they will distract from your content and end up frustrating the user. 

Blog vs Podcast: Which Should I Choose?

Well, it depends. The choice hinges on your content marketing goals, your target audience, and their content consumption habits. Both platforms offer valuable opportunities for brand building and engagement, but the right choice aligns with your marketing strategy and audience preferences.

If your main goal is to increase traffic on your website, a blog may be the most straightforward way to do so. If your goal is to generate more top-funnel awareness and brand affinity, a podcast is a good way to weave your brand into the listener’s daily life– that is if their demographic prefers that medium.

Nowadays, the best B2B content marketing strategies involve creating both, but we will get more into that later in this article. 

How to Uncover Audience Insights and Preferences

Understanding your audience is crucial when deciding where to invest your company's time and resources. Tailor your content to meet the specific needs and consumption habits of your target audience for maximum impact. You can uncover these insights with tools like Sparktoro, asking your audience directly through poll tools on social media, and conducting interviews with your target buyers. 

Content Creation and Consumption

The creation and consumption of blog and podcast content differ significantly. Blogs require strong writing skills, an understanding of SEO principles, and the ability to convey ideas clearly and engagingly through text. Readers of blogs seek information and insights they can consume at their own pace, often looking for answers to specific questions or in-depth analysis of topics.

Podcasts thrive on the personal touch of the creator's voice, fostering a sense of connection with the audience. They require research and have their own set of SEO principles to follow for increased reach. 

Additionally, podcasts offer diverse content, including engaging interviews with entertaining guests or industry experts, which keeps listeners coming back for more. They especially appeal to people who enjoy consuming content audibly while multitasking, like during commutes, exercise, or household tasks.

Advantages of Blogs

SEO Benefits

One of the most significant advantages of blogging is its impact on search engine optimization (SEO). Regularly updated blogs filled with relevant keywords, high-quality content, and backlinks can significantly improve a website's visibility on search engines like Google. This organic visibility is crucial for attracting new visitors and establishing authority in your niche.

Content Longevity and Accessibility

Blogs have the advantage of content longevity. Well-written blog posts can continue attracting traffic years after publication, especially if they cover evergreen topics. Additionally, blogs are easily accessible, allowing readers to bookmark, share, and return to content at their convenience.


Starting and maintaining a blog is generally less expensive than producing a podcast. Basic blogging platforms offer free or low-cost options suitable for beginners, making blogging an accessible entry point for content creators on a budget.

Advantages of Podcasts

Engagement and Personal Connection

Podcasts excel in creating a personal connection with the audience. The use of voice allows podcasters to convey emotion, humor, and personality in a way that written content cannot match. To enhance personal connections and the value listeners gain, invite guests who appeal to your ideal buyer and whom they are eager to hear from (Guest Procurement Tip: your ideal guest is usually your ideal buyer). This connection can foster a loyal listener base and encourage higher levels of engagement.

Multitasking and Accessibility

The audio format of podcasts allows listeners to consume content while engaging in other activities, making podcasts a convenient option for busy individuals. Additionally, the proliferation of smartphones and podcast apps has made accessing and subscribing to podcasts easier than ever.

Growing Popularity

The popularity of podcasts has seen a remarkable increase in recent years, with millions of people worldwide tuning in to their favorite shows. This growing audience presents a significant opportunity for content creators to tap into new markets and expand their reach.

The Best of Both Worlds: Integrating Blogs and Podcasts into Your Content Strategy

Complementary Use AKA Content Splintering

Instead of seeing blogs and podcasts as separate entities, think of them as complementary components of your content strategy. By repurposing blog content into podcast episodes and using podcast discussions as inspiration for detailed blog posts, you can create a cohesive cross-platform approach. This strategy not only broadens your content's appeal but also extends its reach to a wider audience. 

Embracing a "content splintering" method further enhances this effect, allowing you to distribute repurposed content across various channels like blogs, newsletters, and social media. To successfully implement this approach, having an organized media brand and strategy is essential. It ensures your messaging remains consistent and maximizes engagement with your audience.

Why Media Brands are the Future of B2B Content Marketing

Many B2B content strategies overlook the importance of creating a separate media brand. This brand, independent from the company's main identity, focuses on producing thought leadership content relevant to the industry. By doing so, it fosters a genuine human connection with the audience, making the content more engaging and less like a sales pitch. 

Considering that 97% of the audience may not be ready to buy, a media brand should concentrate on delivering educational content to nurture trust and awareness through channels like podcasts, blogs, newsletters, and social media. 

This strategy aligns perfectly with the concept of "content splintering," allowing for a more diversified and engaging distribution of content. The introduction of a media brand not only enriches your content ecosystem but also promises long-term benefits such as a dedicated fan base, enhanced engagement, and increased lead generation, making it an indispensable part of a modern, cohesive content strategy.

 5 Tips for Starting a Blog

Define Your Target Audience: Begin by conducting thorough research to understand the demographics, interests, and online behavior of your audience. Use surveys, social media analytics, and competitor analysis to gather insights. This knowledge will guide you in creating content that resonates deeply with your readers, ensuring your blog becomes a go-to resource for them.

Choose Your Platform: There are several blogging platforms available, each with its unique features and benefits. WordPress, for example, offers extensive customization and SEO capabilities, making it a popular choice for many bloggers. Other platforms like Blogger or Squarespace might appeal for their simplicity and design options. Consider your technical skills, budget, and specific needs when selecting a platform.

Create Content: Focus on producing high-quality, valuable content that solves problems, entertains, or educates your audience. Use a mix of formats such as how-to guides, listicles, personal stories, and infographics to keep your content engaging. Consistently delivering fresh and relevant content will help establish your authority and keep your audience coming back for more.

Optimize for SEO: Implementing SEO best practices is crucial for increasing your blog's visibility in search engine results. This includes using relevant keywords naturally throughout your posts, optimizing your meta tags and descriptions, and building backlinks to your blog. Regularly updating old content and ensuring your website's mobile responsiveness are also key factors in improving your SEO ranking.

Engage with Your Audience: Building a community around your blog involves more than just publishing content. Respond to comments on your posts, engage with your readers on social media, and encourage discussions. Creating a newsletter to keep your audience informed about new posts or offering exclusive content can also enhance engagement and loyalty.

5 Tips for Starting a Podcast

Define Your Target Audience: Just like blogging, understanding your podcast's audience is critical. Identify the interests, preferences, and listening habits of your potential listeners. This insight will help you tailor your podcast's theme, tone, and content to meet the expectations and needs of your audience, ensuring a loyal and engaged listener base.

Invest in Equipment: The quality of your audio can significantly impact your podcast's success. Invest in a good-quality microphone, headphones, and audio editing software to ensure clear, professional-sounding episodes. While you don't need to break the bank, remember that poor audio quality can turn listeners away. Learn more about good podcast setups here.

Plan Your Episodes: Consistency and structure are key to keeping your audience engaged. Plan your episodes in advance. Plan topics, guests, and prepare your podcast script. Having a clear direction for each episode will help you deliver content that is coherent, engaging, and valuable to your listeners.

Promote Your Podcast: Utilize various channels to promote your podcast and reach new listeners. This includes social media, your website, email newsletters, and podcast directories like Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Collaborating with other podcasters and leveraging guest appearances can also broaden your reach.

Be Consistent: Establishing a regular publishing schedule is crucial for building and maintaining an audience. Decide on a frequency that is manageable for you, whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and stick to it. Consistency not only helps with listener retention but also improves your podcast's ranking in podcast directories.

Reach the Right People with Sweet Fish Media

Choosing between a blog and a podcast ultimately depends on your goals, audience, and resources. Both platforms offer unique advantages and can play an important role in your content marketing strategy, but we typically recommend pairing both blogs and (video) podcasts together to pack the ultimate punch. 

If you’re looking to amp up your B2B content marketing and demand generation efforts, this is your sign to start a media brand with Sweet Fish Media.