How to Promote a Podcast on Social Media

Beth Bagley
July 26, 2024
How to Promote a Podcast on Social Media

After hours of recording, editing, and agonizing over the details, you’ve finally just dropped your latest podcast episode. It’s pure gold—great content, top-notch editing, and killer guests. But the plays and downloads? 


That’s because in the bustling world of podcasting, content alone isn’t king. Social media promotion is your crown jewel.

Don’t get us wrong, you’ve got to have something worth listening to if you want a following, but without knowing how to promote a podcast on social media, you’ll just be treading water. Having the right social media marketing strategy can take you from a hidden gem to an established thought leader in your industry. Here are 10 tips to successfully promote your podcast online.

1. Know Your Audience

It’s the first step to pretty much every marketing strategy: you’ve got to know who your audience is and understand their needs. You wouldn't pitch a cooking show to car enthusiasts, right? Dive deep to understand who your listeners are, what they crave, and where they hang out online.

Market Research

Start by analyzing your current audience demographics—age, gender, location, interests. Use tools like Google Analytics, podcast hosting stats, and social media insights to gather data. Who are your listeners? What are their pain points?

Find and Fill Holes

Then, look for gaps in your niche. What burning questions are your competitors leaving unanswered? Position yourself as the podcast that fills these voids. This strategic move sets you apart and establishes you as an authority in your field. This, of course, should influence the topics you actually cover in your podcasts—but it’s also going to help you show up in the right places online.

Speak Directly to Them

Especially online, you’ll want to craft your content to speak directly to your audience’s interests and needs. Use their language, address their concerns, and show empathy. When listeners feel understood and valued, they’re more likely to stick around and engage with your content. You aren’t pandering to them, but you are appealing to them. Give them a taste of the value you bring with your podcast as you interact with your audience online.

2. Pick the Right Platforms

 To maximize your podcast’s reach, you don’t want to go barking up the wrong tree. Not all social media platforms are created equal—and that isn’t to say that any are “better” than the other. It’s more about knowing where your audience hangs out online. Each platform has its own vibe, content specialties, and demographics.

Different Channels

You can almost think of each platform having its own unique flavor. Instagram is perfect for visual storytelling and behind-the-scenes content. Twitter excels at rapid-fire updates and engaging with trending topics. Facebook is great for community building with its groups and events. LinkedIn is your go-to for professional insights and industry-specific discussions. 

Understanding these nuances helps tailor your approach for each platform—and on that note, you don’t have to pick only one. You may just interact with each channel a little differently. This helps your content fit more seamlessly into the conversation. For example, you may actually post your podcast episode link on your LinkedIn page but simply post a clip of the episode on Instagram or TikTok to drum up excitement.

Find What Your Audience Uses

You can use analytics tools and surveys to pinpoint your target audience’s preferred platforms. Focus your efforts on these channels to get the most out of your engagement and reach efforts. 

Also, you don’t need to spread yourself too thin—quality over quantity is key. If it makes sense to post in multiple places, you definitely can! But you don’t have to. If your audience is predominantly on Instagram, create visually appealing posts and stories. If they’re more active on LinkedIn, focus on sharing industry insights and thought leadership content there. Engaging with your audience where they’re most comfortable will make your promotional efforts more effective and impactful.

3. Grab Your Viewer's Attention

Social media is filled with endless scrolling for a lot of viewers—how do you get your target audience to stop to watch or listen to your content? It’s got to be able to hook them from the get-go and make an impression.

Start with Compelling Headlines

First, you can pique curiosity with a great title. Think of your headline as the bait that reels listeners in. It should be intriguing, provocative, and promise value. A headline like “The Shocking Truth About Email Marketing” is far more likely to draw listeners than a bland “Episode 5.”

Get Visual

Next, invest in eye-catching visuals. Use high-quality images, bold text overlays, and dynamic video snippets to make your content visually appealing. Visuals are often the first thing people notice, so make sure they’re striking and relevant. A well-designed thumbnail can make all the difference in whether someone stops to check out your content or scrolls past it. Tools like Canva or Adobe Spark can help you create these visuals quickly and easily.

Share Teasers and Sound Bites

Teasers and sound bites are powerful tools. Share short, captivating clips from your episodes that leave your audience wanting more. A well-crafted teaser can generate excitement and anticipation for the full episode. Think of these snippets as the highlight reel that showcases the best moments of your podcast.

Leverage Storytelling

Humans are wired to respond to stories, so weave compelling narratives into your posts. Share behind-the-scenes moments, personal anecdotes, or listener testimonials to create a deeper connection with your audience. Stories humanize your podcast and make it more relatable, turning casual scrollers into loyal listeners. You can make them feel like part of the journey.

4. Use Hashtags

Hashtags are the bread and butter of social media visibility. They help you reach a broader audience beyond your followers—it’s like the SEO for social media. This way, your content is more searchable and, therefore, more discoverable. You can use a mix of popular, trending, and niche hashtags to expand your reach. Popular hashtags can bring in a broad audience, while niche hashtags can attract listeners who are specifically interested in your podcast’s topic.

Creating an effective hashtag strategy involves more than just slapping a few keywords on your post. Research hashtags that are relevant to your content and audience. Look at what hashtags similar podcasts and influencers are using. Try to use a mix of broad and specific hashtags to cover all bases. For example, if your podcast is about digital marketing, use general hashtags like #Marketing and #Podcast, as well as specific ones like #DigitalMarketingTips and #SEOStrategies.

5. Create a Community

Your listeners are going to feel more loyal if they feel personally connected or entertained by your content—it creates a sense of belonging. In other words, you need to build a community around your podcast if you want to promote it.

Fostering a Community Around Your Show

With your platform, you can create a space where listeners can connect, share, and engage with each other. Use social media groups, forums, and live events to attract people to your circle. Facebook Groups, Reddit communities, and Discord servers are excellent platforms for this. Encourage discussions, ask for feedback, and create polls to make your audience feel involved. A thriving community around your podcast not only increases listener loyalty but also encourages word-of-mouth promotion.

Engaging with Your Audience

Engagement is a two-way street. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and show appreciation for your listeners. The more you interact, the more loyal and invested your audience becomes. Remember, it’s about building relationships, not just numbers. Use polls, Q&A sessions, and live chats to keep the interaction lively and genuine. When someone takes the time to leave a comment, whether it’s praise, a question, or even a critique, acknowledge them. This shows that you value their input and listenership.

6. Keep a Schedule

It’s always nice to have something to look forward to, including a weekly episode of something. Being consistent helps maintain people’s interest in your work and trust your brand. That’s why establishing a regular posting schedule can be a surprisingly big deal when it comes to promoting your podcast on social media.

Mark Your Calendar

Whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, let your audience know when to expect new episodes and social media updates. Consistency builds both anticipation for your audience and reliability from you as an entertainer. It’s a great way to build loyalty and excitement! It’s not a bad idea to plan out your social media posts, episode releases, and promotional activities in advance with content and social media calendars.

Automating Your Posts

Another way to be consistent is to take advantage of automation tools. Platforms like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Later allow you to schedule posts ahead of time so that you always publish on time, even if you’re not available to hit the publish button. This also frees you up to focus on creating quality content and engaging with your audience, not getting caught up in your checklist of to-dos.

7. Connect With Other Podcasters

Whether you’re inviting something to be on your podcast or engaging with their content, other podcasters can help you reach more valued listeners. Collaboration is a powerful way to expand your reach and credibility.  It’s all about community over competition—together, you can grow stronger and reach further. Guest appearances, shout-outs, and joint episodes—there are all kinds of options.

Building Relationships with Influencers

It doesn’t just have to be other podcasters. Connecting with influencers and thought leaders in your industry can also amplify your podcast’s reach. Engage with them on social media, share their content, and contribute to their conversations. Building these relationships can lead to collaborative opportunities and shout-outs that boost your visibility. Influencers often have large, engaged followings, and their endorsement can lend credibility and attract new listeners to your podcast.

Participating in Podcasting Communities

Get involved in podcasting communities both online and offline. Join podcasting groups on social media, attend podcasting conferences, and participate in industry forums. These communities are great places to network, share experiences, and learn from other podcasters. 

8. Utilize Content Splintering 

Your podcast episodes may be your pride and joy, but you can take those same insights from that content and create new types of content that will perform well on other social media platforms. Turning a single episode into multiple pieces of content is called splintering and helps you maximize the value of each episode.

Creating Multiple Types of Content

Your podcast episode doesn’t have to be just a podcast episode. Take advantage of the content you created and reuse it for other platforms. If you have video recordings of your podcast, create short clips to post to Instagram or TikTok. Take your transcript and turn it into a blog post. Create infographics highlighting key points, post them on LinkedIn, and don’t underestimate the power of breaking the mold (hint: professionals are people too. They want to learn about the industry in fun ways). In each post, be sure to encourage people to check out the full content. 

Repurposing Old Content

Don’t just focus on new episodes, either—recycle old content to keep it alive and relevant. You can easily revisit past episodes and create fresh content from them. This not only saves time but also introduces new listeners to your older episodes. Highlighting evergreen content can continuously bring value to your audience and keep your podcast applicable and impactful.

9. Work with Experts

Promoting a podcast can be challenging without a strategic approach. Attracting the right listeners who will appreciate your podcast, brand, and message requires effort. The key to success is reaching the right audience, which can be difficult. Collaborating with experts who promote podcasts for a living can make a significant difference, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.

Podcasting and marketing experts like Sweet Fish can help streamline your processes, improve your content, and amplify your reach. Our expertise in podcasting and marketing ensures you’re always ahead of the curve. From strategizing your content to optimizing your social media promotion, our experience can provide valuable insights and actionable strategies that elevate your podcast. Learn more about Sweet Fish’s podcasting services.